Boyne Falls History

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Boyne Falls Catholic Church (St. Augustine)


In the late 1800s, the Boyne Falls Catholic community had no church and had to rely on traveling Franciscan priests from nearby towns to conduct mass. Several parishes had been established in Charlevoix and Emmet Counties and those priests would travel to less-populated areas to hold mass. In Boyne Falls, mass was held in the home of Ursula Paszkewicz. Boyne Falls was growing rapidly in the late 1800s due to the logging industry and railroad. Boyne Falls needed its own church by the early 1900s.


Property for the church was donated by August Mashinsky. In 1900 the foundation was set in place and the church was completed in 1901. The bell for the church was manufactured by Stuckstede Bell Company of St. Louis. Father Bruno Torka from the Sacred Heart Province of Franciscans was assigned to be the first priest and served until 1908. The first funeral held was for Ursula Paszkewicz who died in 1901, shortly after the church was completed. In September of 1901, the Reverend Bishop Henry Joseph Richter, first Bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids traveled to Boyne Falls and blessed the newly completed St. Augustine Church. The church was named St. Augustine because of the August Mashinsky land donation and in honor of St. Augustine of Hippo (North Africa). During the Bishop`s visit, several people were confirmed. Boyne Falls parish became part of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. The photo on the left shows the early church. The school is on the left. Larger images of this and other photos can be viewed in the image gallery at the bottom of the page.


In 1914 the church established a school. Initially the school was staffed by Dominican nuns. Sister Celestine McCue served as the first Superior. The Catholic school only lasted until 1920 and became a part of the Boyne Falls public school system. Note: The school burned down on September 22, 1945 shortly after a reception was held in the building. It was a wedding reception for the Wojciechowski family.


Further remodeling was done in 1923 and the stained glass windows were added about that time also. The windows in the church were provided by local families as memorials in honor of families or individuals.


In the 1960s the churches of Boyne Falls and Boyne City (St. Mathews) were united with the Boyne Falls parish becoming a mission parish to St. Mathews. Some Boyne Falls parishoners objected to the merger, especially about how the collections were to be distributed, but over time the issues were worked out. Another addition was added in the 1960s and even indoor plumbing and a bathroom were added at that time.


In 1981 more remodeling was done to the church and Sylvester Czerkies Construction performed the work. The original elaborate alter was replaced at that time with a simpler, modern style alter. Mass was held in the neighboring school gymnasium during the renovation. Some parishioners objected to the modernization of the church, especially replacing the alter, but times were changing and so was the Catholic Church.


The next renovation occurred in 1992, with the addition of the parish hall. The work was contracted by Joey Skop with Andy Czerkies supervising the project. A paved parking lot on the north side of the church was also added at that time and a new entrance was built to accommodate handicapped parishioners. It was 1994 when the project was completed.


The year 2001 was the 100th anniversary of the church. A celebration was held, a group photo was taken. See the photos in the gallelry.

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